Find Your Niche

Find Your Niche As a small business, sometimes it can be difficult to figure out what your niche is. What makes you different from your competition? What part of your craft do you excel most at and do you have a specific role in your industry? For entrepreneurs, finding your niche can be a tedious… Continue reading Find Your Niche

Growing Leads Through Social Media Segmentation

Social media is not going anywhere. In fact, chances are if you are trying to reach your audience anywhere outside of email and print ads, social media is your best bet. With that said, it would be in your business’ benefit to make sure your social media efforts are in line with your business strategy… Continue reading Growing Leads Through Social Media Segmentation

Platform Fluidity

Marketing Tip Monday: Think about what your thought process is when you decide to post content from your social media personal profile. If it’s a quick thought, you probably post to Twitter. If it’s an article or something more in-depth, chances are you probably post to Facebook. If it’s picture-centric, Instagram is probably your go-to.… Continue reading Platform Fluidity